Mother’s Day. It’s a special day that can be a grief trigger. One where I count my blessings and at the same time feel sorrow for what’s missing. A bittersweet day. As most holidays are now. This year ...
Today is National Widow's Day. And unfortunately, I am a member of that club. A club I never wanted to join. But I am surrounded by some of the strongest men and women I know. We support each other. Lift ...
If I had stayed home as much a year ago as I am now because of the pandemic, people would have been concerned. Is she becoming a hermit? Is she home moping? I remember being asked if I was getting ...
Living without him. This is something I'm still grappling with after all this time. Shortly after Mike died I remember thinking, "We're all so young. I still have so many years ahead of me, God-willing. How am I going to ...
Spring Season as Teacher By Ajai Blue-Saunders, Hope for Widows blogger Trees I’ve always had this fascination with trees. As a little girl growing up in Ohio, I’d sit in my room which faced the front of our house ...
Last week, a former student of mine messaged me from across the country and asked how I was doing. AND, she wanted to send me some of her homemade jam (or marmalade--she’s going to surprise me). How am I doing? ...
I’m going to share something that every widowed parent knows. Solo parenting sucks. Being the only one twenty-four hours a day seven days a week without an end in sight. And yes, I have amazing friends who would do anything ...
Who knew that widowhood would prepare me for a pandemic? Many are wondering how will I survive? Is it OK to eat cereal for dinner? What am I going to do with all this time to myself? ...
I was really good at that - breathe, be, let go, space. What I wasn’t good at was engaging with the “dust” before it settled or getting sucked into reaction. There’s a lot that’s transpired in science, medicine, technology. psychology, ...
The death of anyone you can't imagine living without teaches you an astronomical amount about life, love, and loss. Prior to experiencing the passing of my husband, I couldn't fathom just how much the pain of that loss would teach ...