Intimacy is what I miss most when I think about my husband Frank. All the ways two people are intimate with each other doesn’t always involve sex. It’s the little things that make up a life together. It’s the little ...
Oh how those Facebook memories love to pop up when my life is moving along almost as if things are normal and nothing has changed. Haven’t I always lived alone here in my ranch home? Wasn’t my daily routine always ...
The Golden Years I never thought I’d be alone In the golden years... This stage of life we longed for Retired from the nine to five drudge Free to do anything we wanted. When we looked towards the future, we ...
He was right. When you put one foot in front of the other, after your husband died, it may have taken awhile, but did you - at any point - begin to run? Or just jog, maybe, but still clearly ...
“You look like shit.” That’s what my oldest brother said to me as I got in the car one morning. It was the summer of 1983, and I was a junior in high school. As part of our morning routine, ...
The fuchsia-pink pool noodle Rick bought me is starting to decompose around the edges. The memories of that last vacation we shared are starting to fade around the edges, too. How can a pool noodle come to mean so much ...
I've struggled with being angry at my late husband for some time now. I forgave him right away for his decision to leave this life. I loved him in ways that I didn't think existed in the real world and ...
(Inspired by an article written by Mike Sager) It is better to say you’re okay than not, because people just don’t want to hear the truth about death. You think about this person over and over again. At dawn. At ...
Five years ago today, I held Rick’s hand in a death grip. A literal death grip, for hour upon hour. By noon of that day, I realized he was going to die, and he did, at 8pm that night. The ...