It seems so many other Hope for Widow bloggers have written recently about significant dates without their husbands Those brave posts have been validating for me. Still, as I approach the one year anniversary of Todd’s death, I can’t write ...
Forrest Gump's mother was certainly wise with her iconic life lesson "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get" I have found that the grief process has been exactly like a ...
“What is in a Year?” I’m not even sure I know how to answer that question. I tell people all the time that I lost a year of my life. I remember very little of this past year. I have ...
The weeks and months after my husband passed away the guilt of "could I have done more?" kept me awake at night. When I was at the office, I'd stare at the wall wondering, "why am I being punished?" There's ...
For the past week we have been dealing with Hurricane Florence here in North Carolina. I live just south of Raleigh and the edge of the storm crossed past us. I am thankful that the only damage I have is ...
When the funeral has ended, and when you come home from work to be greeted by silence, and the realization the rooms once filled with laughter are soaked with tears. The fog has lifted, and now it's time to grieve. ...
I thought the night Todd died would be rock bottom. I remember looking at the ceiling as if God was up there and He would change what I already knew in my soul: Todd was dead. He’d been in the ...
(An Interesting Insight On What It’s Like To Be “In Grief”) Today, I stumbled upon a PERFECT PICTURE of what it feels like when I am in grief. You know, when you NEED to do something. I mean REALLY ...
When my husband’s beautiful life left his permanently sleeping body on September 29th, 2016, he was 47 years and 239 days old. On Sunday, July 8th, 2018, I stood on the bank of a creek along a hiking trail at ...