Radical acceptance. I have learned as a widow that we are all walking around with wounds no one will ever be able to see. I’ve also learned as a widow that all I’ve ever wanted is for people to just ...
My late husband died three months and one day after his 47th birthday. Yesterday, I turned 47 which means I am now his final earthly age. On April 11 of this year, I will officially be older than he ever ...
Happy New Year! I stayed up until midnight and watched the celebrations on TV. My house was quiet grandma fell asleep around 10:30 would wake up for a minute or two and then go back to sleep. I found myself ...
* A Holiday Post * Confession : I’m not very good at sending Holiday cards… Over the last few years, my list has gotten smaller and smaller, and even those few are lucky to get them before New ...
Tonight, I went to the Candlelight service at my church. I have been attending church via zoom since the pandemic started and last year was not in a place mentally to go to candlelight. Stepping back into the church I ...
Planning a Future I guess that saying “If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans” was true for me. When I got married, I was twenty-five and I was not ready to have a child I was ...
When you're a widow, the traditional Holidays, can feel more like a"Holidaze". Yes, that spelling is intentional, because sometimes it can really feel like you're just walking around in a daze. At least that's how it was for me, and ...
A local pharmacy I work at has cute gift ideas for the upcoming holidays. I call it the “hey you forgot someone on your list,” holiday shopping store. A couple of weeks ago we were getting ready for The ...
Better…That is a loaded word for me. I am doing better than last year, I am still broken but I can see what my future looks like again. This month my writing your grief prompt focused on what does better ...
His things My mom asked me last weekend if anything in the hallway was good or if we could start getting rid of it. I said it is all good. Truth is that stuff is my great grandmothers’ things we ...