Do you ever, among the legions of “to-dos” on the To Do List after his death, keep a few to-dos undone…just to let the reminders of his once vibrant, active life pick furiously at the smattering of wounds from your ...
"It gets better." Let me begin this post with an honest disclaimer: I never thought I would ever say those words. How does the death of a spouse ever get better? I never would have believed it either. I never ...
Grief and trauma have a petrifying effect on the human body. I remember clearly in my first year of widowhood how difficult it was to just move. If I was on the floor, moving to the chair felt impossible. I ...
Give me all things funny, motivational, name it! Inspiration on a daily basis especially on social media is a top priority. It is important. It is life-giving. One of these inspirations for me is author, Susie Larson. I mean, ...
In my last post I wrote about the value of holiday planning and how the choices I made (and didn’t make) affected the outcome of the holidays. Since that first year, I have tried so hard to push through avoiding ...
I wish I had a book entitled “Everything You Wanted to Know as a Widow But Were Afraid to Ask” because sometimes I don't know if I'm losing it or if I'm just being human. For instance, lately, I've wondered ...
A year after Mike died, my children and I moved across the country. One of the first and most lasting comments I have received on our move is that I must have needed a fresh start or to start over. ...
The first holiday season without my husband was a bit of a train wreck. It all began with Halloween - my first major holiday as a widow. I remember walking into a craft store and being horrified by the display ...
The holidays are upon us, and the last thing I want to do is be a part of any of it. At least, not like this. If I had children at home or grandchildren of my own – which, sorry, ...
Every year around this time I start feeling a little stuck and lost. I love to coach women on becoming unstuck because feeling stuck has been a repetitive occurrence through various seasons in my life. Now that I have perspective ...