I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh’s grace and a time of God’s recompense on His enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow, to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn in Zion— to give them ...
August 29, 2014 - THE day. I think back to that day more often than I’d like to admit. I sit with those feelings a lot, perhaps too much according to some. Time IS relative and people seem to forget ...
On August 30, 2023 we are encouraged to participate in the tenth annual National Grief Awareness Day. Angie Cartwright founded this movement in 2014 with the hope to foster open communication on loss and bereavement and better inform everyone on ...
I was reading an article about a current flaw in America’s social service net. It’s focused more on identifying the worthy, while forgetting the needy. Most popular news or social media trendy articles, highlight successful people, while often shedding little ...
God created us to be in relationship. We are healthier and happier when we develop meaningful relationships with people we can trust. Finding fellowship with other people we have important common bonds with is essential to build this kind of ...
For widows who hope to find love again, and maybe even remarry, you absolutely can. I've written quite a lot about dating, breakups, and new relationships post-loss. Early on that consisted of a lot of pitfalls and cautionary tales. Everything ...
It is so hard to be a Solo Mom while grieving the sudden devastating loss of my husband. I am so mad at grief. It steals so much from us. It takes the moments we have shared with our ...
Let’s Think Differently About How To Help A Widow I think that so often we are taught by the people and culture around us to help those grieving losses in the same predictable ways. Condolence cards, meals, calls and visits ...
Ash I know what you think – that it would be dark like ash from a campground, from a cigarette you shouldn’t be smoking. But it’s not a house fire. It’s matter that cannot be created nor destroyed. ...
Rick died six years ago today. Not always being a rational person, I decided the best way to handle this awful anniversary would be to sleep through today. That didn’t work. For one reason, my cat did not agree with ...