Every time I have parted with some of Bret's things, I have felt the prickly reminder that he is no longer alive; that he actually died. Selling his beloved motorcycle, which I did only a few weeks ago, was a ...
Weaving through widowhood is a process we go through as we find a way to blend the life we had with our husband into a future without him. His physical presence is gone. We live on and discover things about ...
The 8 Worst Comments During My Grief & What I Wish They Said As we all make our way along this journey through grief, I’m sure you, like me have found that not all people intending to help you ...
Grief is an Emotional Roller Coaster. Stop the ride, please! I want to get off. This grief journey seems to be the longest roller coaster ride of changing emotions that I never actually chose to get in line to ...
Losing a spouse comes with undefinable pain. However, that pain doesn't just fade away like it does when we stub a toe or bump an elbow. This is especially true in the first twelve months after our person is gone. ...
When you have a week that you don't experience a grief moment like you thought you would. That absence of an episode leaves you feeling like something is missing. It is odd to miss grief. When everything is going to ...
Now that I'm retired, I have a lot more time to focus on my personal writing. I'm working on a memoir, and I also write a lot of poetry. Most of my poetry is extremely personal and I only share ...
Saltine Crackers by Amanda Latrenta Crane Women feed other women in deep grief because we forget basic needs like Food. Water. Sleep. I can’t remember if I drank the cranberry juice before or after they declared him dead ...