One of the things I miss the most about my husband was our strong emotional connection. We shared a common unspoken language by staying alert and knowledgeable of each other’s needs, problems, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It was ...
National Widows Day this year is on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. National Widows Day was established to heighten awareness of the struggles and hardships many widows experience after the death of her husband. The Hope for Widows Foundation reminds us ...
Why do so many say that the second year of grief is worse than the first? Is it the fact that in the first year, you imagine that by the end of that year some sort of former happiness ...
How do I cope with the raw pain of my grief? 18 things that have helped me survive. The other half of my heart and soul “graduated to heaven” about 18 months ago. It is so hard to believe 1 ...
Thursday afternoon after spending the day learning some great things at a conference. Tools that I am going to apply to my life and career. When someone was talking about benefits and the value of giving life insurance, the example ...
We organize and bring order to our lives with time and seasons. We use clocks and calendars, weights and measures, and history and future to mark the places, experiences and events of our journey to make it possible to relate ...
I am a firm believer in signs. Angels, messages, and even visits from the departed - I believe in it all. I have touched on these little signs and visits in other blogs, but when it happens again, I feel ...
I’ve always been a scaredy-cat when it comes to just about everything. Swimming. Getting my ears pierced. Dogs. Smoking weed. Public speaking. Dancing in front of people. Getting a tattoo. And on and on. But when I experienced the worst ...
Sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough as a widow because others create foundations, charities, races, and memorials to honor their lost spouses. But I have learned we all deal with grief in different ways, and none of ...