Today I saw a memory post that reminded me of an incident a few years ago. Something simple, that sent me down the rabbit hole of grief. Four years ago, my son came out to tell me his bathroom ...
Some people in religious traditions use the time between Ash Wednesday February 17 and Easter Sunday April 3rd to celebrate Lent. Lent is a special time of reflection and faith and is often practiced by “giving up something”. Its most ...
The first widow I reached out to after my husband died had lost her husband about 3 years prior. She was so honest and open on social media with where she was at during her whole journey. I remember ...
Dave would have turned 57 this week and it's hard to believe that he's been gone over 10 years. In my mind he'll never age - he'll always be 46. I’m grateful and thankful that my body and face will ...
As a widow, the thought of dating made my skin crawl. I couldn’t imagine ever wanting anyone else to touch me, kiss me come hold me. Let alone be intimate with someone new. I said I would never date. Would ...
I did 6 months of EMDR. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an intense psychotherapy used for people with severe trauma and PTSD. I started about a month after Luke died, and I continued until I felt I could ...
Remembering the first year after Todd died revives all of its raw, nearly physical pain. That year was a waking nightmare. Sometimes, another widow’s post or comment reminds me of the early weeks and months, and I hurt for her ...
Death sucks. Plain and simple, it just sucks. Solo parenting is not an easy task. You are on duty 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There's no one to take your child for a night or weekend ...
Here we are, in some of the darkest days of the year. I know the days have begun to get incrementally longer since the solstice, but that change seems imperceptible. Cold weather keeps us inside, out of whatever meager, cloud-filtered ...
Well, it’s that time again. A time to reflect. A time to ponder. A time in my life that used to mean so much more, than it does now. It’s my birthday. The last day of the first month. January ...