Wriiten by Andrea Remke I was folding laundry the other day while the Food Network was on TV in the background. It was a red-headed, soft-spoken lady who bakes farm-fresh stuff like pot roasts and home-baked apple pies. I could ...
Never before has a New Year been so anticipated during our lifetime. While there have been many eulogies written regarding 2020; I write from a different vantage point – that of a widow and, once again, a survivor - with ...
The holiday season can be one of great joy. But for widows and their grieving children, it can also be one of great sorrow. Reminders of who is missing. Traditions that can no longer be kept. Gifts that no longer ...
After losing someone close to you, the holidays are never the same again. That doesn’t mean the holidays are not special or enjoyable, but they are different and always will be. The year John passed away, I was dreading the ...
Have you realized the magic of the sisterhood of widows? I am so grateful for this opportunity to share in the sisterhood of widows at http://www.hopeforwidows.org. My first blog in this space fills me with pride and a mix of ...
This morning, I asked my 16-year-old son for any thoughts or wisdom on how to handle holiday grief. He was 10 when his dad died. And since his dad died in September this will be our seventh holiday season without ...
A Thanks to You... I used to serve you your plate of food the moment you were ready. Sure, you had days when you waited on me. It was the joy I relished in when I could feed you a ...
At the top of my stairs is a picture of hands. Hands lovingly placed in a picture given to me by a family friend of the last Thanksgiving dinner my husband had with us as a family in 2014. ...
The holidays are such a hard time of year. During this time of year, I always miss Jared even more. I wish he was here to go to the pumpkin patch. To help Steven carve his pumpkin. To help scare ...