Let’s begin a discussion about death and grief and send that elephant out the door. To enable this, society requires an open dialogue that provides education and empathy regarding the true reality of the grief journey. A shift in the ...
Here we are, in some of the darkest days of the year. I know the days have begun to get incrementally longer since the solstice, but that change seems imperceptible. Cold weather keeps us inside, out of whatever meager, cloud-filtered ...
I am often amazed at the shear number of people who either A) Are not capable of unconditional love, B) Don't really know what that means, or C) Don't apply it to themselves (calling myself out here). Even as a ...
It’s been just over 10 months since I lost my husband. It still doesn’t even feel real, yet it somehow simultaneously feels like yesterday and forever all at once. All I know is that there is this deep ache ...
I came across a post the other day while mindlessly scrolling Facebook, and it really made me stop and reflect. I remember finding the broken crayons in the box as a child, and if I’m being honest, choosing to put ...
November 13th is a special day in our household. This day was the day my husband was born. The second year after my husband’s death, I wanted to find a way to commemorate his fun-loving and adventurous personality. In honor ...
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8 Sometimes it would be really easy to ...
This year has no doubt been a challenging year for everyone, in different ways. For me, 2020 marked the fifth anniversary of my husband’s death. On January 7th, I observed the mind-numbing fact that my husband had in fact been ...
Finding a good middle ground for grief is kind of like playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Just when you think you know where to go, life blindfolds you and spins you around really fast. Like our sense of ...