"No man (or woman) steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and (s)he's not the same (wo)man."--Heraclitus I live near the Green River, drive across it a few times a day, walk next to it ...
How to be a Bad A$$ Widow (hell yes that’s all capitalized, we’ve earned it) Tricia R. Kauffman Let me start off by saying I thought I was a bad ass/independent woman prior to all of this. I learned ...
Father’s Day. For any widow with children, this is not an easy day. Especially for a young widow, with young kids who don’t get the chance to grow up with their dad by their side. It’s a day for grilling ...
We all take care of our homes like it's our child. We invest time and energy; we make sure our homes get the best of everything and look the best. It's only fair that we feel attached to the place ...
I want to start by saying that I'm a firm believer that not everything has to happen "for a reason." I think that cliché is incredibly insensitive to anyone who has gone through something as soul-crushingly awful as losing a ...
Grief is hard. And strange. And unpredictable. Just when I think I’ve figured this journey out, even just a little bit, it takes a turn and smacks me in the face with a new wave of emotion and reality. Always ...
Writing doesn't come easy for me. I wish it did. I am envious of those people that can write down their thoughts in a flowing, coherent and reflective way without second-guessing or heavily editing. Maybe someday I’ll get there. When ...
Before I lost my husband, I was vaguely familiar with the 5 stages of grief. Honestly, I think I learned about the stages of grief from some movie. So, when Todd died, I thought my emotions would have this logical ...
So many thoughts ran through my head during those first couple of years after Dave died in his sleep in 2011. I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that a 46-year-old healthy guy would just die so suddenly. I ...
Every morning I read a list of fifty things I have to be thankful for. I started doing this a few months ago; it was something my grief therapist suggested to help me get through the uncertainty and loneliness of ...