Grief is.... Grief is…. Losing your past, present, and future all at the same time. Creeping forward when the weight you carry seems to push you to the floor. Feeling like your heart is stuck in a meat grinder. ...
I’m Not As Strong As You Think I’m not as strong as you think. In fact, inside I always feel weak. I can paste on a smile, And a cheerful tone for a while. I can act and ...
Feeling Different When something traumatic happens to you that isn’t commonly experienced by just anyone. When you feel like you had no choice or say in the matter and certainly no control over the outcome. When you realize statistically ...
Add this to the unending list of peeves that plague the widowed: when people refer to our late spouses as exes! Unless you were permanently split up when they passed, these are not our exes. (And for those who were ...
Second Chance When Matt first died my heart was so broken I didn't think I would try to love again. After a year I thought maybe I could but realized I couldn't. But I took the time to heal ...
Widow Brain When I first heard the term “widow brain,” or "widows fog," I just assumed that widow brain was a difficult experience during only the earliest months of grief. As I have read more about the topic, I’ve ...
The Death Certificate looks like our marriage certificate except our union is split, cleaved from me. I’m choiceless. Onset to death 2.5 hours Treatment given from onset to death 2.5 hours Paramedics arrived at 7:03am Pronounced ...
It's THAT time of year again... This is the time when almost everyone I know is utterly befuddled by my seasonal despondency. Everyone is so excited about the loveliness of Fall. Many are just as excited by the impending holidays. ...
The Greatest Gift You Can Give A Widow Sometimes the greatest gift you can give a widow is asking her about her husband. Ask her sincerely. Ask and truly listen. Speak positively, kindly and reassuringly whenever it feels right. ...