I lost track of the days in July. Not for any other reason than so much has been happening all at once. Staying busy helps me. On Friday I had to sign some paperwork and it hit me. Tuesday is ...
I remember the early days after my husband's death when I longed for a dream of him or any sign that he was still around. I have always had intense dreams about my departed loved ones and usually consider them ...
Dip your toe into the water. Test it out to see if it is the correct temperature. It feels okay to step into it but not far. Go a bit further. Then realize you are not ready to take the ...
I am no longer new at this “new normal” thing. I’ve been a widow for over a dozen years now. There have been so many life stages experienced, raising 3 kids during these years. When Gary died, the kids were ...
What have you been up to? When this comes from someone that has not seen you in years and you are a widow it can take your breath away for a minute. It is the reason that I like meeting ...
In two weeks, my son will leave for college. And he is not going to a traditional university. Instead, he’s going to a military college to play football. And the knowledge that I will have extremely limited communication with him ...
It is quite astonishing what you don’t know along with what you learn through the grieving process. I was quick to find out, that almost seven years ago, there is no handbook on what to expect as a widow or ...
In a previous season of This is Us, a powerful show about the long-term, winding, intertwined storylines of an American family, Rebecca Pearson, the perennial widowed matriarch is helping deliver her first grandchild on the floor of her son’s home. ...
Close your eyes and drift off to sleep. Normally when you wake you do not remember what if anything you dreamed of but this time the dream stays with you. It is the thing that you fear. A dream that ...