I have been accused of not helping my friends and adult children through their grief. The truth is my accusers just might be correct. In retrospect, I was totally absorbed in my own grief and, after 6 years of caring ...
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Tomorrow, my youngest child turns 18 years old. My, how time flies! It is such a privilege to raise her and I count her as one of my dearest friends. As I have grieved the death of my husband, there ...
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I love visiting with my dad. His wife, aka Mom, died unexpectedly about six months after my husband died. We visit via Facebook where we talk about the goings on and life's ups and downs. Memories are shared, stories told ...
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  I love the widows who attend my church. They fill the back pew at Sunday morning worship service. I never thought about them much before I became a widow. They were just there: the little old ladies who lived ...
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I was a sprinter in my younger days and that is how I tend to live life. Go fast and go hard. The thought of running longer distances did not appeal to me at all. Steady pace? Nah. I just ...
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A droplet of water hits a puddle. In that instant of impact, it forms a shape that is unseen by the human eye.  In it's lightening speed, we don't see it's beauty... but it there. Something beautiful and unique was ...
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Earlier today, I woke up in the middle of the night, 5:30 am to be more exact. Well, it was the middle of the night to me. Any time that has a 12-5 as its first number is the middle ...
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I heard a crash and than a thud and I ran screaming from the bedroom. In that moment I felt out of control and that my whole world seemed to end. The thud was the sound of my husband Ray ...
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