Does your loss sometimes make you feel like a square peg in a round hole trying to fit into a societal mold that just doesn't feel right anymore?     Do you now hold a different perspective than those that ...
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I was thinking back this morning to some of the hardest times after my husband drowned. I remembered how at one point after a year or so when I realized one morning that, hard as the past year had been, ...
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I remember the day after my late husband drowned. I was sitting at the dining room table, trying to focus on what the funeral director was saying as he was helping me plan the funeral. My sister was there and ...
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I had a dream the other night, wherein I had a boyfriend. I was glad I had mustered the courage to date and was happily dating a very nice, attractive man. We were hanging out together. Then something happened. My ...
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  "Our lives are like islands in the sea, or like trees in the forest, which co-mingle their roots in the darkness underground." -William James-       Darkness always has a place in our lives. It ebbs and flows with ...
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This will be a short post as my mind is filled with dying. My mother-in-law (MIL) had a very serious infection, that if it had been untreated for another couple of days, she may have died. The day she left ...
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When you grieve, you are in the eye of the storm – battered about by your up and down emotions. As the initial storm subsides and the sea of your life calms a bit, you tentatively put a foot out ...
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You are used to seeing me on Mondays, but Hope for Widows has asked me to start posting on Thursdays as well. This week I want to take a minute and introduce myself to those of you who are new. ...
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