Note: This was originally posted at on 11/1/13 Last Monday marked one year since FHA died. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel that day and can confirm my brain went “BLURP” and took the day off. ...
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The picture "The Good Samaritan" by Liz Lemon Swindle hangs in my living room. It is a modern-day depiction of the biblical story. It was given to me by a local non-profit organization after my husband died. He served on ...
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Tomorrow my youngest graduates from high school. A few weeks ago, I read an interview with Lesa France Kennedy. Ms. Kennedy is the NASCAR vice chairperson and International Speedway Corporation CEO and is a widow. In this interview, she was ...
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I finished a book. In fact, I have finished two books!!!! I love to read! I've been an avid reader my whole life. After Ray died, I developed a problem with my ability to concentrate. I would start a book ...
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Note: This post is not in any way a criticism of big box stores or those who shop there (I shop there). Rather it is a short essay on how my husband's death affected my perspective in a variety of ...
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As a new widow, one of the hardest things for me to do was learning to live in acceptance of what my new reality had become. I remember going places and looking at the families and thinking, "My family will ...
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