A little while ago, I found a paper stuck in a copy of large print scriptures I use at home (I feel 30, but my eyes think they are 70). On one side of the paper, I had hastily scrawled ...
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If we are to be genuinely happy again, we must prepare our selves for the possibility of it all, and to accept that we deserve it.  It may seem like Intestinal fortitude is not always within us after such loss ...
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Last Saturday night, a friend and fellow widow, M, arranged a group meetup at a local restaurant. While it was for both widows and widowers, only women came. It was so fun! We ate, laughed and made other restaurant patrons ...
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We as widows know all too well that life can be cut short, dreams don't always work out how we thought they would, and tomorrow never does come. For this reason I have decided to focus on love in 2015, ...
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The charge cards are still smoking and the Christmas tree boxes are being packed up and shoved in closets  as  this Happy Old Year turns into Happy New year.  Yes,  the end of the season of celebration, and  back to ...
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Christmas Day brought the first decent amount of snow to my neighborhood. Today, in spite of the forecasters saying less than an inch would fall overnight, many inches fell. I looked out the window and decided to take our 20 ...
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I made it through another Christmas! I only tortured myself with memories and the would of, could of, and should of's for a short time on Christmas Day. I was determined that this year would be different, and I set ...
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