The month of May brings a mixture of complex emotions. On May 1, 2015, my husband died at 10:30pm at a local hospital after resting (sedated) there for only 3 days. The memories of that day and time are still ...
As I watch my children play, I'm reminded of how much they've grown and changed over the past few years. Each day, they surprise me with their resilience, their joy, and their ability to find magic in the smallest of ...
We've all heard the saying "You won't understand (* something *) until it happens to you." Intellectually, we get what that means, but we won't truly know, to the depths of our souls, the accuracy of that phrase until something ...
Living without my husband feels so much like a cruel sentence. It feels like I have lost so much at a such a young age, and continuing here the remaining years of my life, separated from him at times ...
When we are in the throes of deep grief, it's tough to imagine how anything else, ever, could be worse than what we are feeling. Pain and grief feel incredibly isolating. They are deceptive as well - even when others ...
March Forth It’s reflex to set the fourth place. My arms move quick across the dinner table. Then I pull them back like children in danger. People don’t understand – It’s not just the Big Obvious ...
God’s consistent love and guidance is a gift we can count on in this very uncertain and difficult world we live in. As widows, no matter how fresh our sorrow is, or how long we already traveled with grief as ...
I was recently staring at a painting created by my three year old. I looked intently at the colors behind the blackish brown and wondered what it was supposed to have looked like. What was the original beauty behind ...
There’s a gremlin called grief and it pops up in the most inconvenient times. Couple holding hands in the store? No emotion. Walking past the camping isle in Walmart? Emotional breakdown. The gremlin called Grief doesn’t care if it’s been ...
Navigating Mother's Day Mother’s Day is coming. In the view of those whose lives have not been acquainted with a loss of this magnitude and the stabbing pain of grief that follows, perhaps to them mother’s day is a ...