Today is opening day for the Cincinnati Reds and its an amazingly beautiful day outside. As I sit here writing and people watching something came to. Which was I realized that there’s a lot of people in the world who ...
Counseling. Yes or no? For me, it was a definite yes. When my late husband died, I immediately sought out counseling for my son and myself. I wanted us to have someone to help guide us through the difficult ...
Sometimes I am angry. Very angry. One of the things with losing the person in my life that knew me the most, my best friend, is that a piece of me literally died with him. It was a hard reality ...
For months now I have written about how much I have learned about myself through the passing of my husband, or more importantly, through his life. But I have also learned so much about the world around me along with ...
IT’S OKAY: EVEN THOUGH IT DOESN’T FEEL OKAY How many times do you look at other people and what you think is their amazing life? And wish you had their happiness? I never wish that I had what someone else ...
The Sand Holding Hack Three months after my husband passed away, I took a solo vacation to southern California and discovered a hack I want to share with you: the sand holding hack. When I booked the trip to ...
The things people say: People say “time heals all wounds” maybe that’s true. However what they can’t tell you is what the word “time’ means in that statement. I often say“no-one can tell you how long to grieve” and to ...
I recently read a blog from another widow about people acting scared of her. That also rings very true for me. People “being scared” can mean a few different things. When I think about my own experience, “widowing” can feel ...
I am a widow au naturelle. Yep, doing it on my own. I don’t have a therapist, and I suspect options in my small town would be limited. Actually, I haven’t even looked into finding one because that would require ...
I’m not a woman who goes to marches and stands in front of elected officials’ offices demanding things. I’m not a woman who refuses to go into Walmart because of claims that some kid in a foreign country may have ...