The Season I can smell the memories coming back reminding me of what I was about to lose in 30 days. I can feel it in the atmosphere deep in my bones my cell memory is regurgitating all those feelings ...
After Nate died, I was told so many times that the first year would be the worst because of all the “firsts” I would have to go through without him. In the back of my mind, I knew this would ...
Being a widow can really suck. Watching your husband die sucks Telling your child their dad died and is never coming home sucks. Having to move forward because their is no other option sucks. Death sucks. And it sucks ...
A few months ago, I felt like I was at an awkward phase in my grief process. I stood at a large and gaping hole – a gap, really – between staring backward at the barren wasteland that was my ...
I bought a house. I bought it six months after losing Todd, the love of my life. I know, I know. Widows aren’t supposed to make any big decisions in the first year of widowhood. “Widow’s fog” and all that. ...
In 1997, my husband created a logo. I was working for a man who owned a small business, and the company was developing into a formidable competitor on the market. My teenage son worked there with me, and he had ...
The day I heard that my partners body had been found, my emotions for him paused and I remained stuck in a world of guilt for many years. Guilt because I was still living, and my life was still moving ...
Last night I spent a good hour reading the letters I had written Nate in the first few weeks after he died. The truth is, those days are such a blur...When I look back at his visitation hours and funeral, ...
(An Interesting Insight On What It’s Like To Be “In Grief”) Today, I stumbled upon a PERFECT PICTURE of what it feels like when I am in grief. You know, when you NEED to do something. I mean REALLY ...
For ten months I have driven by Lou Berliner Sports Park on the way to the gym in a haze of sadness, anger, and anxious curiosity. Each time my car exits onto Greenlawn, my stomach starts turning and the gnawing ...