This week will mark thirteen years since I lost my husband to a rare form of cancer. I get asked all the time by people who have just lost their spouse, “When does the pain go away?” The only thing ...
My first grief therapy experience was a disaster – a Freudian approach connecting everything back to sex and my parents that left me feeling more broken and bewildered than when I began. The counseling was shoved in my face about ...
I was reading the other day about a new epidemic in the US. It’s an epidemic of loneliness and it is affecting people young and old. The interesting thing about the article to me was its observation that people today ...
I miss my husband every minute of every day. When the good things happen, I want to rush home and tell him all about every detail. When I am weary, the day was a let down, and things don’t go ...
Over the years, in various blogs, I have shared that my late husband, Bret, wasn't exactly the easiest person to be around. Oh, sure he could absolutely be the life of the party. But at home, with no one new ...
One of the things I hate about grief is how relentless it can be. I’ve learned so much in the four and half years my husband is a resident of Heaven instead of here with me. God keeps sustaining me ...
I fell asleep praying to God in weeps, begging Him to help me because I had just lost my best friend and lover of 24 years, the father of my children, and 75% of our income. My house was a ...
I’m new to this, yet I’m not. I’m a teacher so I’m used to writing. I’ve been writing most of my life. I mostly write and then eventually throw my writing away, except the journals on my travels. I also ...
The day I learned the term "Executive Dysfunction", I felt seen. Finally, someone said this was an actual thing, and it wasn't just me being lazy and willfully disorganized. Executive dysfunction is when you have problems with your executive function ...
Sharing The Loss So how do you explain to someone new you meet that you are a widow? When do you say it? Do you wait for someone to ask an awkward question that they don’t even realize they ...