Who is that lady?.... I’m not her anymore. Scattered throughout my home are lovely photographs of the life I lived, loved, and lost. Hilarious moments as a so in love young couple and pair of new parents. Our first chances ...
Transformational change occurs when a person or family makes a fundamental change in how they live. It's often triggered by a dramatic change of surroundings, conditions, or influences. The loss of a significant person from your life can bring transformational ...
I’ve been absent from the blogging world for over six months creating a safe place. The importance of creating, developing, defining and sustaining a safe place for my daughter and I supersedes all other concerns. We all take for ...
The Little Things I Miss So much of sharing life with my sweet husband was made up of big moments, milestones and memories. The birth of traditions and the joyful adjustments to newlywed life. Each anniversary, vacation, date ...
The Deepest Kind of Loneliness As a widow, a woman experiences the deepest type of loneliness. Loneliness that cuts you deeply at your core. Loneliness that screams deep in your soul that the person who carried the deepest and ...
Once you become widowed and see just how awful people can be following your loss, sometimes one might think that particular brand of ugliness is directed just to us and our new stations in life. Maybe I'm just too sensitive ...
Fear: Grief's Constant Companion The life of widowhood and journey of grief seem to be inseparably paired with fear. Fear is grief’s constant companion. Fear of an unknown future. Fear that I have lost my identity. Fear of facing the ...
God’s been writing our story from the beginning. He knew who we are when He created us. Our story doesn’t end when we fall in the potholes of life that seem to manage to deflate our tires, wreak havoc on ...
What kind of widow are you? & What kind would you like to be? Widow is a word that feels tattooed to my flesh against my will. Try as I might to scrub it away, conceal it, or pretend I ...
Rediscovering Hope as a Widow Miriam Webster defines hope as “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.” What do you desire as a widow? For me, it’s mostly the same thing I wanted as a wife: to ...