Children learn so many life-lessons in childhood that help prepare them throughout their life. When is it appropriate to discuss death and grief? My children were adults in their 20’s when their dad suddenly died so I did not have ...
I'll never settle down That's what I always thought Yeah, I was that kind of man Just ask anyone I don't dance, but here I am One year, three months, twenty-six days. Sitting at my desk stressed to the max ...
My late husband died almost 8 years ago. And in those eight years, whenever there’s something going on, I find myself stopping to talk to him. Oftentimes I will say Jared, we need to chat. And I truly believe ...
Author Joan Didion died in December. I’ve always enjoyed her writing, but I owe her a special debt of gratitude for her memoir, The Year of Magical Thinking. In it, she described the grief and pain following the death of ...
I had an opportunity recently to learn a valuable lesson I hope to remind myself again and again throughout the year. Setting the scene This past week I was locked out of my car in the late afternoon on a ...
The other day I was chatting with someone I had not seen in many, many years, since my husband’s funeral in 2015. In attempting to catch up on years of experiences gone by, I had to quickly determine what version ...
* A Holiday Post * Confession : I’m not very good at sending Holiday cards… Over the last few years, my list has gotten smaller and smaller, and even those few are lucky to get them before New ...
In reflecting during the start of the holiday season, I realized for many widows (including myself) it’s a hard, lonely time while desperately attempting to hold onto past hopes and future dreams. Holidays bring up many traditions, some lost ...
Hey Kiddo! Grief sucks and it is a thing I wish none of us have to go through. Throughout the years I have gotten to know Death and Grieving like an old family acquaintance and these are 10 things I ...