Excuse me God,…. I would like to make a return. Where is your customer service desk? You see, this isn’t the life I ordered. It isn’t the life I worked for, planned for, hoped for or prayed for. Could I ...
I was once a firm believer in miracles. But then my life became tumultuous, culminating eventually with my husband unaliving himself. I had seen him pull through a life-threatening illness. I had seen him rise above multiple personal and legal ...
I had written this, what I believed to be, an amazing blog. I shared about facing struggles in our journeys and having the foundation to stand firm when life seems to be hitting us on all sides. Walked to my ...
Do you hear that? Can you figure out what that sound is? The silence was deafening. The house had gone from a rotating door of loved ones coming to visit Douglas to just completely wide open to coming in to ...
Where have you been? Oh, I have been fighting a battle within. I have been trapped in darkness. I have been traveling my journey alone, by my own choice. I’ve been furious; this is the angriest I have ever ...
When Matt died people thought that I was mad at God for what happened. I wasn’t. One of the things that I remember clearly from going to the hospital was yelling it was not supposed to end like this he ...
In the months following my husband’s death I began actively seeking books to read to give me comfort, empathy, and advice. Some were very helpful, some so-so, some too full of platitudes, and some, though not fantastic, contained some great ...
When my husband died, I was devastated. Absolutely devastated. I had no idea how I was going to survive. Wasn’t even sure if I wanted to. There were times I wished I had died with him. I had no idea ...
How did this happen? Why did this happen? Did this really happen? Am I really a widow? Did my husband really die? Did I really find him unresponsive laying on our bedroom floor? How did this end up being my ...