Do you ever question who God is? Is God really good? Why does the unthinkable happen? Why do terrible things happen even if we are following God and doing our best to live the way we believe He wants us ...
Many widows struggle through depression and sadness at an increased level during the fall and even through the long winter. A great way to counter this battle is to delve into deeper communion with God and shift your mindset ...
At 66, I look back on my life as a series of eras: periods of varying lengths of time that were significant in some way or another. The innocent years of childhood. My turbulent and foolish teens. The wonder and ...
Grief does not have a timeline and no one’s journey is the same. Yet, there comes a time when you begin to see the fog lift. At a counseling session, I was asked what I would say to myself in ...
Grief is an unravelling of everything we once knew and were. It isn't that we can't heal. As we heal, we are transformed by the wounds we sustained. Our former self no longer exists, and we are forever changed. If ...
I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh’s grace and a time of God’s recompense on His enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow, to strengthen those crushed by despair who mourn in Zion— to give them ...
On August 30, 2023 we are encouraged to participate in the tenth annual National Grief Awareness Day. Angie Cartwright founded this movement in 2014 with the hope to foster open communication on loss and bereavement and better inform everyone on ...
God created us to be in relationship. We are healthier and happier when we develop meaningful relationships with people we can trust. Finding fellowship with other people we have important common bonds with is essential to build this kind of ...
Rick died six years ago today. Not always being a rational person, I decided the best way to handle this awful anniversary would be to sleep through today. That didn’t work. For one reason, my cat did not agree with ...
Weaving through widowhood is a process we go through as we find a way to blend the life we had with our husband into a future without him. His physical presence is gone. We live on and discover things about ...