2021 was my first year without Matt after nine years of knowing him. I am not going to lie and say that I remember too much of it. Brain fog hit me hard for the first six months of the ...
Tonight, I went to the Candlelight service at my church. I have been attending church via zoom since the pandemic started and last year was not in a place mentally to go to candlelight. Stepping back into the church I ...
Better…That is a loaded word for me. I am doing better than last year, I am still broken but I can see what my future looks like again. This month my writing your grief prompt focused on what does better ...
Grief arrives as does the harsh, unwelcomed winter. We resist the next season of our life Trying to hold on to the familiar & cherished. We cling to our tree of life as though we were a leaf perched to ...
You are not the sole keeper of all things Cory (insert your partner's name here). You do not need to be the sole keeper of all memories. I felt so much pressure when he died. How will I tell ...
For years my grandma has gotten depressed around Thanksgiving we all knew it was because it was my grandfather’s favorite holiday. Years past and then it became her being grumpy was because it was the last time, she saw my ...
Note from Donna: One day out of frustration on not being able to come up with a suitable blog idea a new friend grinned and went “‘I’ll do it,” blinked at her and although I knew she was kind of ...
The words “generational trauma” are discussed in the national conversation of late. As many people open their minds about the long-term impact of our nation’s past, the subjugation of women and minorities, childhood poverty, interpersonal cruelty, and long wars on ...
“Maybe I shouldn’t write for other widows as my audience.” “Why not?” “Because my narrative isn’t about missing my husband and the tender moments we shared in the end. I feel like an atypical widow that way. ...
I had a dream and it was one of those dreams that when you wake up, you cry because you realize it was a dream. Since Bryan's death, dreams have been what I pray for every night. I pray for ...