Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential. - Kerry Washington The juncture to widowhood is one of those life changing transitions we usually don’t eagerly embrace ...
Today I was watching NCIS: New Orleans with my grandma and they were talking about grief the quote that stood out to me was “Same love that lifted you up in life can drag you down in death.” I have spent so much of the last year trying ...
Our husband heard us and we miss that. Most widows would agree the death of your husband is a profound moment in the journey of life here on earth. It literally upends the trajectory of life as you knew ...
This past week while out for drinks with some co-workers one was pressuring me about moving on and dating. When I said I was happy alone they would not stop. I made the point that I was single by choice. ...
Last Sunday was Easter and I was doing everything in my power to make it perfect for my grandma. Every holiday, since she went on hospice, has been this way. In my mind, I think this could be the last ...
On this day, sixteen years ago, sitting about three miles from where I am now, I logged into MySpace and my world forever changed. This was the day that some guy in California, who had friended me a few days ...
Someone last week commented about how they want to handle the rough patch they are going through as I did. You still have a smile on your face and find a way to laugh. What they do not know is ...
In honor of National Poetry Month, I decided to make my first post of the month something poetry related. I have been writing poems since I first learned how to rhyme as a child. (Thanks Electric Company!) I was also ...
This treacherous pilgrimage between my old life and my future often amplifies the depth of alone. Sometimes I find myself drifting on wreckage all alone in the middle of an ocean with no land in sight. Sometimes it feels like ...