Well, I did it! It only took me three and half years to conjure up the strength and willpower to sell my deceased husband’s truck; but, I finally did. This might seem silly and insignificant to some; however for me, ...
Flying used to terrify me. As I spoke with a therapist about this, I came to the conclusion it is because I am not in control of my fate while sitting in an airplane. I have literally turned my life ...
Shortly after my beloved husband passed away, our oldest daughter kindly suggested that I adopt a new kitten. Her petition, “Mom, you need something else to love, another presence in your home, another therapeutic distraction.” My first thought was, no! ...
Right after Don died, I went to the eye doctor. Guess what? I needed reading glasses. I thought since I was so nearsighted I would have a time where my eyes would be normal before doing the thing they do ...
Grief for me has not been linear; it has been bombarded with zigs and zags. It has been complicated with plunging, deep, emotional crevices and yet, also, silver-lined with healing moments and the remembrance of cherished memories. Do you feel ...
As I was shopping last week, my eyes and ears were immediately drawn to an elderly couple standing at the cake department. Their frailty was apparent; yet, their voices were jubilant and lively as they explained to the baker, that ...
After my husband Ray died, I developed an illness that I refer to as the Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" sickness. I believe that the cure for this disease is a pill I call Forgiveness. At first, I thought this was a ...
The past few weeks I have been pondering the meaning of the word respect. It seems that a fair amount of posts on social media are written about this subject. In fact, the last post I read said, “Once you ...