Proverbs 1:8- Pay close attention, friend to what your father tells you; never forget what you learned at your mother’s knee. The Message Bible _____________________ While we just finished acknowledging fathers, dads and men on Father’s Day in June, I ...
It seems that in life a young widow so very often feels like an oddly shaped piece that doesn’t fit into the puzzle of life going on around them. Many families around you are established and complete. They have their ...
Father's Day has passed for another year. This one and Mother's Day can be tough dates for the widow/er community. In my mere six-plus years in this sad little club, I have noticed the sentiments for Father's Day in particular ...
Father God created us as unique and diverse people with intricate needs. We are not just people with physical needs. We have a physical body we must attend to, but the fullness of our life is just as dependent on ...
It's been well over six years since I became a widow and if I'm being honest, I still have not settled everything that needs to be settled following the death of a spouse. Most everything that needed tending to was ...
Everything changes when you are stripped of your life partner. Nearly every widow feels desperately alone in spite of the fact losing a spouse is almost a universal experience. There is no way to prepare for the devastating impact this ...
Assumptions NOT to make about a widow (even if you are one yourself). 1) Don’t assume you know exactly how she feels. 2) Don’t assume that because you lost a parent or another loved one, that you understand ...
Embracing Grief in the Summer: Finding Solace in the Sunshine Summer is often associated with warmth, joy, and carefree moments. It's a season of long, sunlit days, vacations, and gatherings with family and friends. However, for those experiencing grief, summer ...
Widows face challenging social life changes in the wake of the loss of her husband. Making the adjustment to life after a spouse dies is filled with many endings and beginnings of relationships. This is a reality that is not ...
The month of May brings a mixture of complex emotions. On May 1, 2015, my husband died at 10:30pm at a local hospital after resting (sedated) there for only 3 days. The memories of that day and time are still ...