"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart. That is what I do now. I want the normal of years past but in doing our normal things I am opening ...
Grief waves sneak up sometimes and others there are little wakes that come in first reminding me that a big date is coming that I need to brace my heart for. Tomorrow is going to hurt. My heart is going ...
As I was making a left turn behind an unusually slow moving car, I gripped my steering wheel agitatedly and blurted out, "Why are you driving so slow?! You're stopping the flow of traffic. UGH!" And then I saw it. ...
Lots of people will do things for you initially. Suggestion: Try to realize that act was more about them dealing with their own bullshit or fear, or worried about their karma, than actually doing something because they are a ...
Last week I can home and felt like I was ready to move forward. Now I have no idea how to do that. Matt and I found each other by chance. We met at work and became friends and then ...
While Matt was the person that made me feel home and safe, Maine is the place that owns my heart. I have spent the last nine months lost. I have felt so alone even surrounded by people I know who ...
How I went from Wife to Widow to Happy I will always be my late husband’s wife. His legal documents all say as much, including the final ones. As of 3:11pm on February 11, 2018, however, I was no longer ...
So true. I would have never thought that at 38 I would lose the love of my life and become a widow. I thought widowhood was for older people, I had no idea. I remember getting all of this “advice” ...
I am on my first vacation since the pandemic started it is also my first as a widow. I don't have the man that I choose as my forever shotgun rider anymore. I decided to go to Maine to see ...
How to be a Bad A$$ Widow (hell yes that’s all capitalized, we’ve earned it) Tricia R. Kauffman Let me start off by saying I thought I was a bad ass/independent woman prior to all of this. I learned ...