As we all know, Pinterest (and Wikipedia) are the sources of all truth. If it is written there, then it is real. While I was in Pinterest, pinning things I want others to make for me(!) I found a sentence: ...
The lament of many a mourner is “I’m unhappy” … and rightfully so after the loss of a loved one. But take heart, this does not have to be a permanent state of mind. In fact, Daniel Nettle, author of ...
After my husband’s funeral and my home was quiet, way too quiet, I sat down with the intention of reading my pile of sympathy cards. With my heart leaping out of my chest, tears staining my cheeks, numerous thoughts of ...
It had been a short time since we'd buried my husband. I was still deep in the confusion, the numbness, and experiencing the random emotional releases that I had no control over. When he drowned, I had been the Chairman ...
Pain and suffering can be very isolating. Friends who have not experienced the loss of a partner have a difficult time comprehending your situation. Often, they disappear from your life … not because they want to hurt you but because ...
I read the sweetest blog this morning, and it reminded me how often I need to be reminded of the power of prayer. I was born into a religious family, and we always had a prayer as a family at each ...
Kay Redfield Jamison, in Nothing Was the Same, penned the following thought. I realized that it was not that I didn’t want to go on without him. I did. It was just that I didn’t know why I wanted to ...
Guilt…such a small word; nevertheless, no matter how unwarranted the guilt can be, it carries a gut wrenching punch. Guilt engulfed my being and took root after my husband’s death as I wrestled with the fact that I wasn’t with ...
As I began the grieving process, I often felt like I had huge signs like this one plastered on my chest and back. I felt like when I went out in public, anyone could easily see I was only half ...