Today is the 25th of the month. And a Monday. A date on the calendar that changed my life forever. A reminder of the worst day of my life. It’s been 49 months since that date on the calendar struck, and ...
I lost track of the days in July. Not for any other reason than so much has been happening all at once. Staying busy helps me. On Friday I had to sign some paperwork and it hit me. Tuesday is ...
Solo parenting can be rough. In our marriage, I was always the primary parent. Jeff worked a lot, and I was mostly a stay-at-home parent over the years. So, I am used to parenting falling mostly on my shoulders, but ...
I remember the early days after my husband's death when I longed for a dream of him or any sign that he was still around. I have always had intense dreams about my departed loved ones and usually consider them ...
Dip your toe into the water. Test it out to see if it is the correct temperature. It feels okay to step into it but not far. Go a bit further. Then realize you are not ready to take the ...
I was like a speeding locomotive with no brakes. A few months after my husband went to Heaven, I was forced to quarantine at the onset of the pandemic. My speeding locomotive crashed and crashed hard. It’s taken me a ...
I am no longer new at this “new normal” thing. I’ve been a widow for over a dozen years now. There have been so many life stages experienced, raising 3 kids during these years. When Gary died, the kids were ...
You would never think that grief and humor go together. But sometimes they do. It’s been ten years since my husband died. My daughters, who were so young back then, have grown into beautiful young adults. The three of us ...
One unexpected facet of grief that I didn't know that I would experience was how our pets must've felt after my husband's sudden death. I am sure many might say that pets aren't something one should be worrying about in ...
What have you been up to? When this comes from someone that has not seen you in years and you are a widow it can take your breath away for a minute. It is the reason that I like meeting ...