“Mommy, there are pilots at the door.” Those seven words, those simple syllables, they changed everything. When I came to, I made the necessary phone calls, at first it came out as a whisper and ...
Lately I have been sucked into a very intense grief storm. Every time I think I can breathe again, another wave comes crashing in. Even after reaching out and utilizing my resources, ...
It finally happened. I'd read about it in some widow groups that I'm a member of, but had never personally experienced it myself. I've even had the audacity to think to myself, "Wow, these women know some really insensitive people!" ...
Another Coping Mechanism: Salt Lamps By: Jill Hochman Board Member Hope for Widows Foundation Have you ever seen a salt lamp? They look like this: Some people think they are beautiful. Some people (including me) think they are ugly. ...
I instantly recognized the masturbating woman in my husband’s saved email file. I could hear her children playing in the next room. I could see her wedding photos on the wall behind the bed she was lying (and sometimes bent over) on. I admired her bed frame as she began moaning my husband’s name. ...
Dear Hope Sisters: When the Directors of the Hope for Widows Foundation asked me to post something in honor of the Jewish High Holidays and our Jewish Hope Sisters, I truly began to think. This thinking seemed to be ...
Those pesky “on this day seven years ago” Facebook running reminders are torturous. On this day seven years ago I was at the Brooklyn Arts Museum with my husband. We weren’t married or engaged at the time, but dating. We'd ...