Guilt…such a small word; nevertheless, no matter how unwarranted the guilt can be, it carries a gut wrenching punch. Guilt engulfed my being and took root after my husband’s death as I wrestled with the fact that I wasn’t with ...
As I began the grieving process, I often felt like I had huge signs like this one plastered on my chest and back. I felt like when I went out in public, anyone could easily see I was only half ...
Last week, I was attacked by a terrible cold. My usual cold routine is: 1. Feel strange and sickly for a day and 2. Feel better the next day. My sinus rinse and I can launch quite a defense. But ...
Here's a thought to ponder for today by Lemony Snicket. One wanders through life as if wandering through a field in the dark of night, wearing a blindfold and very heavy shoes, with a poisonous toad waiting patiently beneath a ...
As I was shopping last week, my eyes and ears were immediately drawn to an elderly couple standing at the cake department. Their frailty was apparent; yet, their voices were jubilant and lively as they explained to the baker, that ...
i was talking to a widow the other day about the anger that often accompanies grief, and I was reminded of how, early on, I sometimes felt so full of anger at how things had turned out that I felt ...
Today I took my daughter, her friend and my niece to the State Fair. First stop: All you can eat ice cream social. Second stop: Team roping and horses! Third stop: The rest of the fair. The monsoon created a ...
I believe that if you understand the grief process, as well as relationship dynamics, AND how these two are related, you have a leg up on others about understanding life. Please allow me to take you through my thought process ...
This is a selfish post and I hope you can help me. My father-in-law passed away two weeks ago after spending most of this year in a care center. He had dementia for years, so to me, his passing was ...
I attended a family reunion last week. The gathering was for all the grandchildren of my paternal grandparents, Junius and Gertrude Romney. The morning of the reunion, I visited a nearby small museum created in honor of the incredible group of ...