The heat was oppressive. I'd never felt so hot and exhausted before, and I wondered if I could last for the next week of rehearsals under the scorching summer sun. It was the year after my husband drowned. A friend ...
My husband loved going to Lake Powell. While most of the time he went with others to fish, there were times when we would all go. He loved to fish and our kids loved being towed behind the boat. I ...
It’s a holiday weekend, which usually means it’s a time for friends and family to gather. Even if you’re invited to join in, you may have some tough moments ahead. Despite the merriment and companionship, it’s glaringly obvious to you ...
As we approach what in the United States we call "Independence Day", it can be a good thing to look at our own lives and see just how independent we are, particularly as we navigate the journey through grief after ...
Dr. Susan A. Berger is a clinical social worker, a specialist in the field of grief and loss, and the author of “The Five Ways We Grieve.” She defines five types or ways that different people respond to ...
Seeing Possibilities I listened to a conversation about grief recently, and the idea was suggested that as we grieve, seeing people who are further along in the grieving process can help us to see the possibility of us getting there, ...
I am worn out, but getting better. On Friday, my father was taken to the hospital experiencing some very scary symptoms. Saturday marked 20 months since my husband passed away and Sunday would have been my husband's 55th birthday. We ...
The Dinner Table I’ve heard and read recently from several different sources how dramatic a difference it can make in the life of a child if he or she grows up with a dinner table around which the family gathers ...
Often, with loss, you misplace your ability to focus. There may be lots of articles, blogs and books out there that contain the answers to your questions, but, especially at the inception of your grief, it’s too hard to concentrate ...