After John's death, people said to me, “let me know if you need anything.” Those friendly words were well meaning, but inside I was screaming, thanks, but I need my life not to be shattered into a million pieces, my ...
For two years now, Todd has been the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think of when I fall asleep. There is always an awareness that he isn’t with ...
This is our 6th Christmas without Jared. Our 6th time decorating without him. Our 6th time filling his stocking with love. Our 6th year doing Christmas without him. Decorating the tree is a bittersweet time for me. All ...
I was pondering how different my life is now that I'm coming up on another new year without Rick. I'm used to this new normal. I'm past the heavy grieving stage, and I'm living the life of a single woman. ...
The overhead lights in the hallway started flickering again a couple of weeks ago. This hasn’t happened in a while, not a long while. When Rick first died, the ceiling lights in the kitchen started to flicker one night. I ...
For the first time, I’ll be spending Thanksgiving with my new husband’s family. My family always traveled on this holiday. Went on an adventure. That has been our Thanksgiving tradition for somewhere new and eat local food. This is ...
Giving Thanks for Dirty Laundry This Thanksgiving I will be giving thanks for dirty laundry. For whatever random reason, the memory of encountering my husband's dirty laundry just after he passed, came to mind earlier this month. Thanksgiving is ...
In light of Children's Grief Awareness Day I thought I would share my story about how I learned to mother alone and build a new life for my hurting boys. My boys were quite small when their daddy died ...
The holidays are fast approaching. And for me and a lot of widows, it’s a difficult time. The holidays are supposed to be festive, joyous, happy times. But when your person is dead, they feel anything but festive. For ...
Getting Eaten by Sharks After experiencing the horrible event of my husband’s stroke, my life has changed forever. When John was in the ICU after suffering a massive brain stem hemorrhage, it was constant stress and chaos for me and ...