Death sucks. Plain and simple, it just sucks. Solo parenting is not an easy task. You are on duty 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There's no one to take your child for a night or weekend ...
Let’s begin a discussion about death and grief and send that elephant out the door. To enable this, society requires an open dialogue that provides education and empathy regarding the true reality of the grief journey. A shift in the ...
Here we are, in some of the darkest days of the year. I know the days have begun to get incrementally longer since the solstice, but that change seems imperceptible. Cold weather keeps us inside, out of whatever meager, cloud-filtered ...
Well, it’s that time again. A time to reflect. A time to ponder. A time in my life that used to mean so much more, than it does now. It’s my birthday. The last day of the first month. January ...
I was all prepared to write about the importance of self-care for this post and had most of it written. It’s a topic near and dear to my heart and it’s a practice that moved me through the darkest parts ...
I was sitting alone in my car near a lake in the park when I heard some powerful words about grief and healing. Every afternoon when I get off work, I leave my home office and drive to this semi-secluded ...
I am often amazed at the shear number of people who either A) Are not capable of unconditional love, B) Don't really know what that means, or C) Don't apply it to themselves (calling myself out here). Even as a ...
I read a news article yesterday, and the reporter stated that the widow was “still“ struggling with her grief one year later. And that word, still bothered me so very much. Upset me greatly. Of course she is “still“ struggling ...
It’s been just over 10 months since I lost my husband. It still doesn’t even feel real, yet it somehow simultaneously feels like yesterday and forever all at once. All I know is that there is this deep ache ...
Wriiten by Andrea Remke I was folding laundry the other day while the Food Network was on TV in the background. It was a red-headed, soft-spoken lady who bakes farm-fresh stuff like pot roasts and home-baked apple pies. I could ...