So much has changed since Jared died. I often find myself thinking, if he hadn’t died things would be so different. I wouldn’t have so much fear. I wouldn’t have so much anxiety. I wouldn’t have PTSD from holding ...
Yesterday marked 17 months since my husband died. So much has changed in my life since then. I’ve grieved, and grieved, and grieved some more. I’ve worked through the grief, written through the grief, talked to my grief counselor, cried ...
I have written previously about how after losing Pat i was in a fog. I am sure most of you know what i am talking about. It is never more noticeable than when you start waking up to life. When ...
I am a widow au naturelle. Yep, doing it on my own. I don’t have a therapist, and I suspect options in my small town would be limited. Actually, I haven’t even looked into finding one because that would require ...
15 months. 15 and a half months to be exact. Where has time gone? I'm in such a bizarre stage in this journey of widowhood and grief...It's hard to really put into words…If September 29th of 2018 wasn't enough of ...
Table for One, Redefined: My Guide to Minimalist "Cooking" Trying to cook in my first year of grief was baffling. I used to find joy in cooking/baking and creating a dinner atmosphere for two. I also clearly remember that ...
Being a widowed mom is one of the hardest things I have ever done. No one prepares you to be a solo parent. There’s no one coming to take your child so you can have a break. No one to ...
I’m on the cusp of a new life, but it's difficult to leave the old one behind. And, if I’m honest with myself, I feel guilty and sad, regretful that I have been able to survive without Rick, that I ...
New Year’s 2013 my little family of 3 rang in the New Year together in Virginia. It was FREEZING (especially for us Floridians) but we enjoyed the local celebration and exploring the town of Williamsburg. As always, Jared and I ...
Recently one of my late husband's nurses made the comment, "Elizabeth, I wish you would write a book about all of the wildly insensitive and inappropriate things people have said intentionally and unintentionally to you and your daughters over ...