"How are you? How are the kids?" Seems like you can’t get away from these everyday questions. The questions that seemed ordinary and mundane take on a whole new meaning when you become a widow. They are asked with pity, ...
Muddle: to act in a confused or aimless way Most days, I’m muddling through. I make mistakes. I forget to do things. I forget when trash day is. Or I just don’t take it out because it’s raining and I ...
The famous yogi saying “let go of what no longer serves you” was a mindset my heart could not comprehend, let alone understand, until a level of healing had happened in my grief journey. The day I was able to ...
One of the most painful questions widows tend to ask ourselves days, weeks, months, and even years after our spouse dies is, “what would we be doing right now if you were still here?” Even though I'm in the thick ...
Well, not really, but I believe my meaning is clear. It’s a lonely dark word that we – as a culture – don’t like or know what to do with. It’s like the proverbial bad penny. Nevertheless, I suddenly found this ...
Tomorrow would have been my 23rd wedding anniversary. I think it still is, though, even though my husband is no longer here with me and I’m no longer married…have no husband…am no one’s wife. The anniversary date doesn’t change. 23 years ...
Tony’s illness and death brought me to my knees. Not many things could do that before, or since. The pain has been indescribable. My life and the boys’ lives have not been the same. As painful as this has ...
When Jared died, I thought I would never survive. I could not imagine surviving. Couldn’t picture my life without him. Certainly never thought I would date. Love again. And absolutely would never get married again. He was the great love ...
I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve never had a serious illness or major operation, or any other traumatic physical malady. I’ve never suffered any physical affliction that required months to heal or physical therapy to get back on my feet, ...
Today is opening day for the Cincinnati Reds and its an amazingly beautiful day outside. As I sit here writing and people watching something came to. Which was I realized that there’s a lot of people in the world who ...