I am told how well I am doing and how strong I am. People commend me on the adventures I take and my drive to rebuild my life. The world looking in sees some one who is figuring it out. ...
June 25, 2020 marked two years since Seth unexpectedly passed away. It also became the day I learned I’d lost my job due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. What a day. A day I should have spent ...
We are halfway through 2020. And as I sit here at my weekend retreat watching the sun shining through the trees and hearing the river flowing so peacefully, I am reminded to count my blessings. This has been a ...
The year 2020 has been a roller coaster ride. The U.S. is facing numerous challenges and uncertainties. All these factors have created great amounts of internal stress. As a widow, this uncertain time has magnified my loss. After John died, ...
Pausing to Breathe in a Pandemic, in a Protest By Ajai Blue-Saunders My life, my reality is that since March, I’ve been hunkering down at home during the current environment. This includes witnessing a worldwide pandemic and its corresponding ...
This has been a hard month. It is a busy month for work as well as there are so many triggers in the month of June. It has been three years and yet June is still a hard month. It ...
Something the journey of widowhood brings up is uncertainty, I questioned things like my future, where to go from there, choices to make and even my own abilities. Along with my uncertainty came the fear. Fear and uncertainty are very ...
My husband passed away unexpectedly almost two years ago. He died eight days after Father’s Day. I never would have imagined that would be his last one here on earth. As I sat down to write this post, I found ...
Sunday will mark the sixth Father’s Day we have celebrated without Jared. I count my blessings that my son was able to celebrate 10 Father’s Days with his dad. But somehow that doesn’t feel like enough. 10 years that have ...
It's no secret to anyone that 2020 has brought on more worldly struggles than we would care to live through. A common theme of emotions that are brought on by each one of these "catastrophes" are sadness, anger, depression, loneliness, ...