Today my mom wanted to go to the Big E. I really didn’t want to go but I went. There are a lot of memories there from when we first started dating. Tonight, my grip on my grief started to ...
God built us for relationship. He wants to have a relationship with us and created us in His image. It is our very nature to seek out relationships. We depend on our closest friends and family to help us navigate ...
I've struggled with being angry at my late husband for some time now. I forgave him right away for his decision to leave this life. I loved him in ways that I didn't think existed in the real world and ...
Fall is approaching just days away. Out of all the seasons, it is the one that I love the most. The heat finally has broken. It is cool in the house with out the fans on. The evenings are perfect ...
I decided to write this blog in honor of my husband Rev Kenneth Foster. Today he would have been 51 years old. When two becomes one is something that we sat in the bed one night and created. We decided ...
Today is eight years. Eight years since my late husband died. Eight years since my world changed. Forever. Time after loss is a funny thing. It feels like forever and yesterday all at the same time. My heart does ...
Birthdays will never be the same. Mine will always remind me of the people that are missing that always made it special. Dinner at grandma's was my thing to do every year except the four that I was away ...
When we find ourselves lost, deep in the pain of grief, we often cry out… why? Most widows reach a point when we wonder why God would allow such a thing to happen to us or our family. Our expectations, ...
Where have you been? Oh, I have been fighting a battle within. I have been trapped in darkness. I have been traveling my journey alone, by my own choice. I’ve been furious; this is the angriest I have ever ...