Only Two Years October 1, 2018, and it’s 2:35 am I have been in some sort of trance since September 24, 2018, which is the date my Devan left this world. This is the 2nd September we’ve had to acknowledge ...
Today, self-care has become a part of my routine, but it did not start out that way. It has now been three years since my husband died. For me, my first year as a widow was full of numbness. The ...
On the 2 Year anniversary of my husband's passing, I can say with absolute certainty that Year 2 was no better or easier or less painful than Year 1. It was excruciatingly difficult and so, so lonely. But, as widows, ...
September 26th of 2017. This is the last picture I ever took with my husband when he was alive. It was during our last night in Las Vegas...He took me with him for a work conference, and we had the ...
“What is in a Year?” I’m not even sure I know how to answer that question. I tell people all the time that I lost a year of my life. I remember very little of this past year. I have ...
I moved this month. Over three weekends, friends and family helped me move furniture. I’ve moved slowly, taking a few boxes at a time to the new-to-me house, extracting myself from the home I had with Todd. It might have ...
Self Care for Beginners I'm one of those people who for a long time had no real idea of what self care was. As a child, I saw my mom raise the four of us with strength and power ...
I will never forget the first official time I met Nate in the Spring of 2005. I can still see him coming down the stairs with a large basket of laundry in his hands as his roommate and one of ...
The weeks and months after my husband passed away the guilt of "could I have done more?" kept me awake at night. When I was at the office, I'd stare at the wall wondering, "why am I being punished?" There's ...
Self care September - To be honest, when I was set the task of writing about my own self care, I struggled to put pen to paper. I kept trying to think of different things that I’d done in the ...