There has been a handful of moments in my life when I felt really, genuinely happy. I'm not talking about the kind of happiness that fluctuates on a day to day basis depending on what activities you have planned or ...
When my husband died, the last thing I wanted was to be at home. Being in our house without him was just too painful. Coming home from work and him not greeting me at the door hurt my soul. Attending ...
The last thing I was looking forward to was re-entering the dating scene after 20+ years as a married woman. In fact, something Rick used to say came to mind: “I’d rather poke hot needles in my eyes.” And that’s ...
After Rod died, I was faced with things and tasks that had always just gotten done. Especially technology. Rod was a tech guy by profession. Early on in our marriage, he would try to explain things to me, and I ...
Maybe we don't talk about the dark days enough. Maybe we don't write about them enough. That early grief, that raw mourning. Maybe once we begin to move forward through our grief journey and time passes, we simply just don't ...
My dearest girl, I write this letter to you 3 years after the worst time of your life and hope that these words are what you need to hear as you struggle to get out of bed and find meaning ...
A few days after Mike died, I clothed myself in everything that was his-mine-ours. The Director of the Funeral Home gave me a bag of my husband’s belongings that the Coroner had collected. It was beyond horrific to receive this ...
I recently had someone tell me that because I am remarried that I am not a widow. And I found this so offensive. Yes, I decided to move forward with my life. Yes, I found love again when I completely ...
I am unsure if I have fully come to terms with the word “widow”. I don’t wish that title upon anyone at all. I am also unsure if I am qualified to be called a widow. You see, Adrian and ...
Some days I just don’t want to. I don’t want to leave the house. I don’t want to follow through on obligations or promises. I don’t wanna anymore. When I feel this way, I wish someone would yank me out ...