As widows, we have so many things we might long for, but there are times when I literally BEG God to show me Shane. A breeze with his soapy smell wrapped inside of it, the subtle song of a wind ...
I want to revisit a topic that I talked about some months back. And that topic is “the ring”. When does one take off their ring is one of the questions I’ve heard that other widows want to know. The ...
Being a remarried widow is tough. It’s hard to not compare my current situation to my present one. And honestly, it is something I rarely if ever do. My two loves are completely different people My late husband was the ...
The night Adrian left this world, I came home to an empty house. I could not sleep and found myself mindlessly pacing up and down the house until morning came. I wasn’t really sure what I was looking for. Although ...
Before I became a widow, self-care was an easy term that I used to describe my social outings, spa days, shopping and anything else that I wanted permission to do. In my life, self-care was a practice of joy and ...
Every time my son and I embark on an adventure, I wish my late husband was here. I never stop wishing for that. For him to be there.Instead, Steven and I will continue to make lifetime memories without Jared. Yes ...
I just returned from a fabulous, unforgettable honeymoon with my new husband. One I never imagined I’d take. When I married Jared in 2000, I never thought I have another husband. Another wedding. Another honeymoon. After Jared died, I assumed ...
"How are you? How are the kids?" Seems like you can’t get away from these everyday questions. The questions that seemed ordinary and mundane take on a whole new meaning when you become a widow. They are asked with pity, ...
Muddle: to act in a confused or aimless way Most days, I’m muddling through. I make mistakes. I forget to do things. I forget when trash day is. Or I just don’t take it out because it’s raining and I ...