When my late husband died, my son lost his father. The man a boy should always be able to depend on. And I feared that my son would be lost without his dad. But he persevered and is a wonderful ...
When my husband died, the dynamic in my little family changed dramatically. We were a tight-knit family of 3. My daughter is an only-child, so she went with us wherever we went. Even as a teen, she was usually happy ...
“You’re an empty nester now. How do you like living alone?” I’ve been asked this frequently since my youngest daughter moved out last month. Honestly? I don’t always like it. Some days, I absolutely hate it. The word “nest” reminds ...
My new husband‘s stepfather died this week. And while I am trying to be a good support for his mom, my own emotions are all over the place. His death has triggered my own grief. My heart breaks that my ...
When Jared died I swore I would never date again. Never love again. And certainly never marry again. And then on November 19, 2016 I met Jon and before I knew it, I was falling in love. Within a few ...
New Year’s Eve is one of the harder grief days for me. It is a reminder that another year has come and gone that didn’t know Jared. Another year that we didn’t make any new memories or take any new ...
‘Twas a widow’s night before Christmas, and all through her house Not a creature but her was stirring, for she missed her departed spouse. She hung their stockings by the chimney with care In recognition that her love for ...
The holidays are such a hard time for anyone who has lost a loved one. It doesn't matter if the loss is recent or many years ago, the loss is always felt at the holidays. This loss, the loss that ...
After John's death, people said to me, “let me know if you need anything.” Those friendly words were well meaning, but inside I was screaming, thanks, but I need my life not to be shattered into a million pieces, my ...
For two years now, Todd has been the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think of when I fall asleep. There is always an awareness that he isn’t with ...