“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both, and be one traveler, long I stood, and looked down one as far as I could, To where it bent in the undergrowth;” As a teen, ...
Remember the Loch Ness Monster? The mysterious creature with the long neck protruding up out of the water? No one ever actually saw the monster and it was discovered that the grainy, black and white photograph of it was a ...
“I am benefitting today from Yesterday’s work” What normally seems like a true statement caused me to question its validity in all situations. Let me explain. On a normal Saturday day of cleaning, I discovered an old folder full of ...
Saturday Today I sit here listening to Jay and Tiernan playing. Jay is laughing loudly as he plays with Matt’s brother. When we were going to go to the playground he asked if Uncle Brian could come. He is missing ...
Do you hear that? Can you figure out what that sound is? The silence was deafening. The house had gone from a rotating door of loved ones coming to visit Douglas to just completely wide open to coming in to ...
As grievers we want to have the comfort of hearing from others who have walked in our shoes and made it. I personally love reading, podcasts and audio books. When I first became a widow, I didn’t want to go ...
God built us for relationship. He wants to have a relationship with us and created us in His image. It is our very nature to seek out relationships. We depend on our closest friends and family to help us navigate ...
I've struggled with being angry at my late husband for some time now. I forgave him right away for his decision to leave this life. I loved him in ways that I didn't think existed in the real world and ...