Do you ever wish you could have a rewrite on life? Didn’t like how that part of my life went I will just change it like they do when they make a book into a movie. Nope don’t like that ...
My late husband died almost 8 years ago. And in those eight years, whenever there’s something going on, I find myself stopping to talk to him. Oftentimes I will say Jared, we need to chat. And I truly believe ...
I would like to let you in on a little secret, ready? Okay, maybe it isn’t a little secret. Not really. All you would have to do is read all the different advice about death to recognize it. Everyone with ...
Radical acceptance. I have learned as a widow that we are all walking around with wounds no one will ever be able to see. I’ve also learned as a widow that all I’ve ever wanted is for people to just ...
When Matt died people thought that I was mad at God for what happened. I wasn’t. One of the things that I remember clearly from going to the hospital was yelling it was not supposed to end like this he ...
Author Joan Didion died in December. I’ve always enjoyed her writing, but I owe her a special debt of gratitude for her memoir, The Year of Magical Thinking. In it, she described the grief and pain following the death of ...
When my late husband died, my world shattered. Life as I knew it came to a screeching halt. I had to redefine myself. Figure out who I was as a widowed, solo mom. And finding my new place ...
The Song writer Luther Vandross has a song called, When a house is no longer a home. He sings about how it is just empty and lonely with out the women that he loves. I never paid attention to that ...
My late husband died three months and one day after his 47th birthday. Yesterday, I turned 47 which means I am now his final earthly age. On April 11 of this year, I will officially be older than he ever ...
2022 marks the 8th year that Jared will not know. Yet, I do my best to ensure each new year knows him. When we celebrated New Years Eve on December 31, 2013 I had no idea it would be ...