As my husband was dying, he and I never talked of his dying of cancer... never said good bye and never lived like death was something to give into. Oh yes, there were moments of agony and defeat and doubt, ...
In December of 2016 I was added to the National Cancer Survivor’s Day Foundation Speakers Bureau. I was pretty excited when I found out the news. I had written the foundation a few months prior and had submitted my application, ...
The other night I happened to be in a jacuzzi with three men and a bottle of whiskey. You know, just a typical Sunday night for Yours Truly. As whiskey-laced conversations often go, ours became deeper with each pour. A ...
I can’t remember when I heard the phrase “Chapter 2” for the first time. I believe it was on a Facebook page dedicated to supporting the widowed community. A widow lamented that she’d never find another man to love her ...
I talked to many social workers during the two and a half years that Michelle was sick. We spent so much time in the hospital between the surgeries, the treatments, etc. that while she was sleeping I would often ask ...
The black hole of grief. This thought has been on my mind for a couple of months now. The idea of being in a place that is so vast, so dark and so void of life… is a sobering thought ...
[Image:] I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry. - Maxine Waters *I wrote ...
For all those who talk about their late loved one. For all those who talk about their loss. This is why we talk about them. **Hint: It is NOT for attention** We talk about them because we love them. In ...
I have a question. For you. When it's your time. When your number is called. Who do you want to greet you on the other side? And how do you want them to greet you? Don't get me wrong. I ...