Widow. The word sounds dark. I googled the word. The official definition is “a woman who has lost her husband to death and has not remarried.” I am remarried so why did this title or empty feeling not ...
I married the love of my life in 2015 and believed my life to be complete finally. I had a fantastic career, found a man who loved me wholly, and we were just a perfect fit. Eleven months later, I ...
The short answer is YES. We do. Just like National Widow’s Day, it’s not something you hear about until it affects you. I wish that would change. Grief awareness is desperately needed in our society. If the nature of grief ...
National Grief Awareness Day is upon us again. I don’t think we can actually say that we are celebrating the day because let's be honest, nobody wants to celebrate grief as much as it is a day to bring awareness ...
Grief Awareness Day. Yes, there really is such a thing. A day to educate others about grief. About love, loss, and loneliness. Until you have experienced grief from your losing your spouse, you cannot understand it. Until you become ...
Why does widowhood have to be so lonely? There are so many losses and changes that are in and of themselves isolating. Then to compound matters, often the people we once spent so much time with start pulling away - ...
Once again, it’s the worst week of the year and I’m trying to make the best of it. My husband died on August 13, 2017. His birthday is August 23rd. The year he died, those 10 days were a fog ...
Making decisions as a widow is exhausting. Already, our emotional stores are spent, and we are physically exhausted from poor sleep. Some decisions are practical ones like checking a bank balance before paying a bill or choosing Raisin Bran over ...
Raising three boys that love sports really leaves me no choice but to begin each Fall with a cram-packed schedule of practices, scrimmages, games, etc. In the midst of the instant chaos, my heart is weary for the man who ...